Department of Psychology Teaching Staff

Prof. Dr. Ronald Freytag

Professor Campus Berlin, R. 2.27

B.Sc. Medien- und Wirtschaftspsychologie

M.Sc. Business Psychology



  • Basics of psychology
  • Introduction Business Psychology
  • Practice of Media Psychology

Research and Teaching Focus

  • Media and Business Psychology

Curriculum Vitae


2002-2003 University of Georgia, Athens, G.A., USA, Study program: Principles of Marketing Research, Degree: ESOMAR Approved Certificate
1996-1999 Universität Osnabrück, Doctoral studies in psychology, degree in natural sciences (Dr. rer. nat.)



Humboldt-Universität Berlin, Study program Psychology, Degree: Dipl.-Psych.

Work Experience

Since 2011


Media University of Applied Sciences, Berlin: Chancellor and Professor in the Department of Psychology

2010 - 2014


External lecturer at universities and institutes in Germany and Austria (Danube University, Krems, Austria, Hochschule Fresenius, Cologne et al.)



Fachhochschule für angewandtes Management, Erding: Professor for market and advertising psychology


 Deutsche Post DHL, Bonn: Various positions, most recently "Senior Director Market Intelligence
1999-2002  Institut Concentra Marktforschung & Beratung, Nürnberg: Department Manager Target Group Market Research

Institute for Family, Childhood and Youth Research (IFK) at the University of Potsdam: Research Assistant


Buch: D. Sturzbecher & R. Freytag (Hrsg.) "Antisemitismus unter Jugendlichen", Hogrefe, Göttingen et al. 2000

Buch: R. Freytag & D. Sturzbecher "Die zweite Entdeckung Amerikas", Verlag für Berlin-Brandenburg, Potsdam, 1998

Buch: R. Freytag "Streß und Streßregulation im Kleinkindalter", Verlag für Berlin-Brandenburg, Potsdam, 2000

Test: D. Sturzbecher & R. Freytag "Familien- und Kindergarten Interaktions-Test" (FIT-KIT), Hogrefe, Göttingen et al. 2000

Buch: M. Sieber & R. Freytag "Kinder des Systems", Morgenbuch Verlag, Berlin, 1993 


Society for Applied Business Psychology (GWPs), Munich

German Shostakovich Society, Berlin