M.A. Visual and Media Anthropology

Study 100% online with additional On-Campus Workshops

The Master's program M.A. Visual and Media Anthropology, initially developed and offered at the University of Excellence Freie Universität Berlin (inception winter term 2008/2009), has been continued at Media University Berlin since the winter semester 2019/20.

In the Visual and Media Anthropology master’s program, practical and theoretical knowledge of film production is imparted in a research context. The focus is on ethnographic films, documentaries, and immersive 360-degree applications. Aspects of experimental and fictional films are also covered in class. Students learn how to represent cultural aspects of societies in virtual space using film, photography, immersive methods, and storytelling through the production of 360-degree films and scenarios. Students will also learn how to use virtual reality headsets (Meta Quest 2, etc.) and how to produce VR applications for virtual reality technology.


Reasons for studying at Media University

✔️ state-recognized
✔️ practice-oriented
✔️ modern & creative learning
✔️ NC-free selection process


Program in brief

TypeDistance learning (flexible e-learning in virtual classrooms, webinars etc.)


Winter term (October) - more information via vma[at]media-university.de

DegreeMaster of Arts (M.A.)



Tuition fees4170,- € per semester (16.680,- € in total for the two year's program)


4 semesters (2 years)

Download Info PDF

Testimonials from our students

„I wanted to be able to discuss creative ideas in depth and create networking opportunities. I certainly never focussed on one project at the level of detail I am now, and that is thanks to the masters." – Gemma Lynch

☀️ Job profiles

The large number of new professions that are currently emerging within filmmaking in combination with AI and VR research make our students sought-after graduates on the job market, and it is not uncommon for several doctoral positions and lucrative job offers to be received shortly before they complete their MA Visual and Media Anthropology studies have. Read the success story of our students here.

The advanced master's degree M.A. Visual and Media Anthropology is aimed at current and future leaders in industries related to digital media, TV film production, Streaming platforms, VR, artificial intelligence, art and culture, museums, entertainment industry, or governmental and non-governmental organizations, as well as those interested in documentary photography.

☀️ The program in detail

The program equips students with knowledge about the ethical correct production of classical, scientistic, immersive and artistic audio-visual media for the representation of national, and transnational cultures, with a focus on Asian, African, European, North American and Latin American “native” or “indigenous” communities.

The program includes classes in Documentary film & PhotographyDigital AnthropologyCamera, Sound, and Editing classesSocial Media Activism, Immersive Storytelling with 360degree videoAI Technology & Culture,Anthropology of the Metaverse, Introductory and advanced usage for Meta Quest 2, Virtual Environments and creating in VR and Environmental Anthropology. Part of the master's program is the student's own ethnographic field research, which is supervised in colloquia.

Based on their own qualitative research work, students can present cultures worldwide on film or photography and, in cooperation with the research partners, produce their own classic documentary formats or (elective area) create virtual environments required in AI and VR applications. The course also offers several modules on the qualitative methods of social research and filmmaking for fieldwork. In addition to the focus on film, a module on documentary photography is also offered.

The program's focus is the consideration of marginalized groups (women, people of color, LGBT+, and least developed countries) in digital media and within new AI applications.

The program includes four on-campus workshops in Berlin, 4-5 days: Hands-on-Camera Workshop and Immersive 360-degree filmmaking. Students will learn from lectures of an award-winning VR company.

All course content is delivered 100% online by an international team of professors and lecturers with over a decade of online teaching experience. Students can study at a time and place convenient to their lifestyle. All that is needed is a good internet connection, and a laptop or smartphone. Distance Learning is offered via the world-best Learning Management platform LMS Canvas and through Zoom-live-streams of classes, online presentations and discussions. The program was one of the winners of the Best Practice in Online Teaching by CEDIS Center for Digital Systems Freie Universität Berlin. The advanced graduate degree program is 100 % equivalent to other M.A. programs, and prepares graduates for PhD studies.

Here you can find more information about Distance Learning.

Meet your fellow students for additional On-Campus-Camera-and Sound-Workshops in Berlin, Germany. Optional 2-5 days hybrid On-Campus-workshops are offered for students to build hand on technical experience. Students must assume additional (travel, room) costs arising from in-house workshops (not mandatory) and fieldwork periods. We offer hybrid classes via live-stream in case you cannot travel to Berlin.

Applicants: This program is designed for students who have an undergraduate degree (BA) in any subject, and also for professionals who want to conduct a second MA degree.


Target jobs:

The master's program in Visual and Media Anthropology is designed to prepare students for later positions as experts in visual anthropology (ethnographic film, ethnographic photography) and VR in the following areas, among others:

  • Editor, writer, director at cultural studies-oriented TV stations and film production companies.
  • Creation of photography and video material for companies in the cultural and environmental sector (websites and for social media and networks)
  • New media industry
  • Museums & International Art Market, scientific institutions, galleries and online platforms as well as streaming services
  • Social-anthropological analysis and development of new social media applications and mixed-reality environments
  • Big data analysis
  • Immersive or virtual reality industries
  • Scientific digital development of platforms for education and teaching
  • Press and media, public relations, social media marketing
  • Film archives and documentary film festivals
  • Representation of indigenous groups and organizations
  • Universities and non-university scientific institutions
  • Jobs in governmental and non-governmental organizations in the sustainable development sector in developing or emerging countries with a focus on media use and media education (AI and VR)

  • First Semester: Basic Modules (30 CP): Visual Anthropology, Media Anthropology
  • Second Semester: Profile Modules (30 CP): Basics and Varieties of Ethnographic Film Production, Communication/Mediascapes, Applied Visual & Media Anthropology
  • Third Semester: Project Modules (30 CP): Internship, Film- or Media Project
  • Fourth Semester: Supervision Courses (30 CP)

  • A good degree (university or university of applied sciences) 
  • Proficiency in English (fluent in both written and spoken) is a must
  • 1-year professional experience after the BA
  • Participants should have basic technical skills in film, video or photography
  • Participants must have adequate electronic equipment in order to deal with various multimedia materials; high-speed Internet access, a fast computer and a personal email account are compulsory. Possession of a basic digital camera and editing software is mandatory.
  • All applicants are submitted to an internal assessment process prior to acceptance

Our students conducted internships in following institutions:

With following artists our students worked together during their internship:

  • Mikesch, DOP and film maker, Berlin
  • Björn Melhus, video artist and film maker, Berlin
  • Johan Grimonpres, "Zap-o-matic"
  • Sarah Pucill’s Studio Artist, Filmmaker, Photographer
  • Azubuike Erinugha, film maker, Nigeria

Media University's Master's program M.A. Visual and Media Anthropology is state-approved by the Berlin Senate Administration.

In addition, the program is accredited and certified by the FIBAA (Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation). It thus meets the highest international academic quality standards.

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Journal of Visual and Media Anthropology
ISSN: 2366-4975

    Forms (only for VMA students in the final semester)

    Final MA Thesis application form
    Final MA Thesis application form (Instruction)

    New Applicants for the program please use this document:



    Media University
    Ackerstr. 76
    13355 Berlin

    Prof. Dr. Urte Undine Frömming

    Head of Program




    Prof. Nora Bibel

    Professor Department of Design




    Daisy Huntington

    LMS Canvas & Admin Support




    Kristen Powell

    LMS Canvas & Admin Support




    External Lecturers

    • Dr. Albrecht, Judith | Vita
    • Aubry, Gilles | Vita
    • Blankholm, Laura Na | Vita
    • Cassinelli, Caroline | Vita
    • Coons, Jeff | Vita
    • Correa, Ana | Vita
    • Folegatti, Luiza | Vita
    • Dölling, Mark | Vita
    • Findeisen, Janina | Vita
    • Gaedtke, Felix | Vita
    • Goddinho, Leandro | Vita
    • Dr. Grund, Lisa | Vita
    • Kendall, Blake Paul | Vita
    • Krahnert, Frauke | Vita
    • Tatiana Lopez | Vita
    • Liberman, Tami | Vita
    • Dr. Neis, Dalia | Vita
    • Parameswaran, Gayatri | Vita
    • Petersen, Kristian | Vita
    • Philp, Heike | Vita
    • Piersig, Karina | Vita
    • Dr. Reichel, Christian | Vita
    • Rossner, Lidia | Vita
    • Rühling, Barbara | Vita
    • Prof. Smith, Emily | Vita
    • Toiviainen, Mikko | Vita
    • Voigt, Christina | Vita
    • Terry, Mike | Vita
    • Dr. Walter, Florian | Vita
    • Dr. Wanono, Nadine | Vita