News from the Department of Journalism and Communication

Lecture series: "Crisis Yoda" visits from the USA

Screenshot of Prof. Timothy Coombs during his online lecture at HMKW.

Crisis and crisis communication as an object of research: This is the subject of the internationally renowned U.S. communication scientist Prof. Dr. Timothy Coombs. As part of the Media University lecture series about the topic of transformation, he provided insights into his field of research. The PR professor's online lecture captivated more than 130 students and lecturers.

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Students interview Nobel Peace Prize winner

HMKW student interviews Nobel Peace Prize laureate Maria Ressa at DW Global Media Forum 2022.

At the Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum, Media University Master's students had the unique opportunity to interview Nobel Peace Prize laureate Maria Ressa. They also attended the two-day conference program to research and make contacts for a semester project. Media University professor Katja Artsiomenka was a panelist on a "News Enlightenment Initiative" (German: Initiative Nachrichtenaufklärung) panel.

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