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45 patterns for sustainable business models

Companies are increasingly faced with the task of operating sustainably. But how can they create not just economic but also ecological and social value in a sustainability-oriented manner? In the new book "Sustainable Business Model Design," Media University professor Henning Breuer, together with Florian Lüdeke-Freund and Lorenzo Massa, presents 45 business models that focus on sustainable innovation and business design.

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Students interview Nobel Peace Prize winner

HMKW student interviews Nobel Peace Prize laureate Maria Ressa at DW Global Media Forum 2022.

At the Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum, Media University Master's students had the unique opportunity to interview Nobel Peace Prize laureate Maria Ressa. They also attended the two-day conference program to research and make contacts for a semester project. Media University professor Katja Artsiomenka was a panelist on a "News Enlightenment Initiative" (German: Initiative Nachrichtenaufklärung) panel.

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Why it could also be beneficial to consume more hedonistically when we are stressed

[Translate to englisch:] Stress can lead to increased consumption of sweets. (Photo: Quang Nguyen Vinh/Pexels)

How is it, although we are otherwise so self-disciplined and sensible, that we increasingly eat snacks, go shopping, watch series or consume social media when we are feeling stressed? Anna Balleyer, research assistant in the Department of Psychology at Media University Berlin, has been studying the effects of consumption on the human psyche since her master's thesis. In a new study, she examined to what extent hedonistic consumption can also help reduce stress.

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