Campus Locations: Campus Berlin
Welcome to the Berlin campus of the Media University. Experience the creative atmosphere of Germany’s vibrant capital. As one of Europe’s leading media centres, Berlin offers a unique backdrop for your studies at Media University.
With a vibrant media scene ranging from renowned publishing houses to highly successful film production companies and up-and-coming start-ups, Berlin offers a wealth of opportunities for aspiring media professionals.
The city is known for its openness, diversity and creative energy, which is reflected in every neighbourhood, every street and every cultural event. From historic landmarks like the Brandenburg Gate to trendy districts like Kreuzberg and Neukölln, Berlin offers an exciting environment that enriches Berlin students.
MU in Berlin offers a wide range of degree programmes that are perfectly suited to the demands of this international city.
At our campus, you can bring your creative ideas to life. With a fully equipped TV studio, Mac room and a print and photo studio, you have all the tools you need to realise your visions.
Our cosy lounges invite you to take a well-deserved break. Enjoy relaxing moments between projects and be inspired by the pleasant atmosphere of our campus.
Address and contact
Media University of Applied Sciences
Ackerstraße 76 (staircase A, 2nd and 3rd floor)
13355 Berlin
Phone: +49 (0)30/4677693-00
E-mail: info-berlin[at]media-university.deFind further contacts at Media University Berlin here.
Tram: M10, Berlin Wall Memorial
Underground and S-Bahn: U8, Voltastraße and S1, S2, S25, Nordbahnhof
Bus: Line 247, Gartenstraße, bus stop directly in front of the main entrance
Car: Parking is available around the building (subject to a charge)
Access to the building
Ackerstraße 76 is located on Gartenplatz opposite St Sebastian’s Church. The main entrance is right in the middle of the complex, between the two courtyard entrances, staircase A. The Media University is on the 2nd and 3rd floors.
Report to the reception on the 2nd floor or come directly to the 3rd floor if your request concerns the study advisory service.Barrier-free access
The Media University premises on both floors are barrier-free.The main entrance at ground level is not wheelchair accessible due to the kerb. However, the porter’s lodge is almost always manned, so someone will be able to help you.
Another option: If you turn left again immediately after the gate to the left of the two inner courtyards, you will reach the wheelchair-accessible entrance A (door opens outwards), where you will have to overcome a metal threshold approx. 2 cm high behind the flat ramp – unfortunately still a relic from the building’s industrial use. There is a wheelchair-accessible lift directly behind the entrance.
Appartment search
Are you new to Berlin and looking for a flat?
Here you will find a list of useful links to portals with accommodation offers.Places in halls of residence
In cooperation with Studentendorf Schlachtensee eG, you have the opportunity to apply for a room in the two halls of residence in Schlachtensee and Adlershof. You can find more information about the student residences here. If you are interested, please send an e-mail to Jörg Brunsendorf (j.brunsendorf[at]media-university.de) with the subject ‘Studentendorf’. Please also state in the e-mail- whether you are interested in the Studentendorf Schlachtensee or Adlershof or both,
- from when to when you would possibly live there.