Graduation ceremony Media University Berlin
For 61 Berlin graduates, a new phase in their lives officially began this Saturday: at the graduation ceremony in the Phorms Theater, they were honored and given a ceremonial farewell by the university administration and their lecturers.
In his opening speech, University Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ronald Freytag looked back on the past years at Media University and wished the graduates every success in their future careers.
A highlight of the ceremony is always the honoring of the best bachelor and master theses. The winners were called on stage to receive their certificates from the respective first correctors after a short speech.
In a personal speech, alumna Flora Völcker (B.A. Journalism and Corporate Communications) looked back in particular on the time of the virtual lectures, which were characterized by a sense of community despite all the challenges.
After the group photo with the obligatory hat toss, the relaxed get-together in Media University’s media lounge provided an opportunity to talk about plans after graduation.
We wish all alumni from the departments of Design, Journalism & Communication, Psychology and Management and Business Studies every success in their future endeavors and a good start to their careers!
Photos: Jörg Brunsendorf