Department of Psychology Teaching Staff

Prof. Dr. Henning Breuer

Professor Campus Berlin, R. 2.23

B.Sc. Media- and Business Psychology

M.Sc. Business Psychology



Henning Breuer is professor for business and media psychology at the University of Applied Sciences of Media, Communication and Management in Berlin and founder of UXBerlin – Innovation Consulting. His academic research and consulting work for corporate clients from automotive, internet, and telecommunication focuses on innovation management, business anthropology and customer research. For Deutsche Telekom Innovation Laboratories, he developed capabilities in corporate foresight and venturing and worked as an interim director for research and user-driven innovation for several years. As visiting professor and researcher he worked at Waseda University (Tokyo), the University of Chile (Santiago), and the University of Applied Sciences in Potsdam on interaction design and learner-centred environments. Henning studied psychology, philosophy, and law at the universities of Magdeburg, Berlin, and Tübingen. His recent textbook is on Values-Based Innovation Management.  

"Simplify your business by focussing on its essential values and purpose."


  • Innovation & Entrepreneurship
  • Business Anthropology

Research and Consulting

  • Values-Based Innovation Management
  • Business Psychology
  • Innovation Consulting

Curriculum Vitae




Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg, PhD


Free University Berlin, Philosophy and Diploma in Psychology 


Eberhard-Karls University Tübingen, Philosophie and Law 

Work Experience

Since 2013Professor in the Department of Psychology at Media University of Applied Sciences, Campus Berlin

Since 2006 


UXBerlin - Innovation Consulting, Berlin; founder and innovation consultant; innovation strategy, corporate venturing and ethnographic customer insights for technology-oriented companies


Waseda University, Tokyo; Graduate School of Global Information and Telecommunication Studies, associated researcher and NICT awards to conduct collaborative research projects


Telekom Innovation Laboratories, Berlin; interim director research and innovation, user-driven innovation


University of Applied Sciences Potsdam, Germany; researcher responsible for setting up an Interaction Design Lab


Universidad de Chile, Santiago de Chile; researcher at the Department of Computer Science


IconMedialab AG, Berlin / Hamburg; Consultant for Human-Computer Interaction and eCommerce


Breuer, H., Fichter, K., Lüdeke-Freund, F., Tiemann, I. (2018). Sustainability-Oriented Business Model Development: Principles, Criteria and Tools. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing. Special Issue „Creating Solutions with Sustainable Entrepreneurship“, 10(2):256-286.

Lüdeke-Freund, F., Carroux, S., Joyce, A., Massa, L., Breuer, H. (2018). The Sustainable Business Model Pattern Taxonomy – 45 Patterns to Support Sustainability-Oriented Business Model Innovation. Sustainable Production and Consumption.

Breuer, H. & Lüdeke-Freund, F. & Brick, C. (2018). Business Model Innovation in the Era of Sustainable Development Goals ( In: The Proceedings of XXIX ISPIM Conference, Stockholm, 27 pages.

Breuer, H. & Lüdeke-Freund, F. (2018). Values-Based Business Model Innovation: A Toolkit. In: Moratis, L., Melissen, F. & Idowu, S.O. (Eds.). Sustainable Business Models, pp. 395-416. Springer.

Gerkens, I., Lüdeke-Freund, F. & Breuer, H. (2017). Wertebasierte Geschäftsmodellinnovation am Beispiel Aravind Eye Care Systems, S. 183-204. In: In: Bungard, P. & René Schmidpeter, R. (Hrsg.). CSR und Geschäftsmodelle. Berlin: Springer.

Breuer, H. & Lüdeke-Freund, F. (2017). Wertebasierte Geschäftsmodellierung – Ein Werkzeugkasten für nachhaltigkeitsorientierte Gründer und Innovatoren, S. 409-431. In: Bungard, P. & René Schmidpeter, R. (Hrsg.). CSR und Geschäftsmodelle. Berlin: Springer.

Breuer, H. & Lüdeke-Freund, F. (2017). Values-Based Innovation Management. Innovating by What We Care About. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

Breuer, H. & Lüdeke-Freund, F. (2015). Values-Based Innovation Framework – Innovating by What We Care About. In: Proceedings of XXVI ISPIM Innovation Conference. Shaping the Frontiers of Innovation Management. Budapest, Hungary.

Breuer, H. & Lüdeke-Freund, F. (2014). Normative Innovation for Sustainable Business Models in Value Networks. in: Huizingh, K.; Conn, S.; Torkkeli, M. & Bitran, I. (Eds.): The Proceedings of XXV ISPIM Innovation Conference – Innovation for Sustainable Economy and Society. Dublin, Ireland.

Breuer, H. (2013). Lean Venturing. Learning to Create New Business through Exploration, Elaboration, Evaluation, Experimentation and Evolution. International Journal of Innovation Management. Vol. 17, No. 5 (22 pages). Imperial College Press.

Breuer, H. (2013). Business Innovation Kit. eBook on Amazon and Eigenverlag UXBerlin.

Breuer, H., Wolze, Z. & Umbach, L. (2013). User-Centered Soft Innovation in Established Business Fields. In: A. Marcus (Ed.): DUXU/HCII 2013, Part IV, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 8015, pp. 3-12. Springer, Heidelberg.

Breuer, H., Schulz, J. & Leihener, J. (2012). Learning from the Future – Modeling Scenarios Based on Normativity, Performativity and Transparency, Proceedings of XXIII ISPIM Conference Barcelona. International Society of Professional Innovation Management, pp. 1-12. Spain. Available at SSRN.

Breuer, H., Schwarz, H., Feller, K. & Matsumoto, M. (2012). Value Innovation in Learner Centered Design. How to Develop Relevant Digital Learning Tools. ACE Asian Conference on Education Proceedings, pp. 1283-1294. Osaka, Japan.

Breuer, H. & Matsumoto, M. (2011). Ubiquitous Learning Environments: Notions of Context, Application Scenarios and Reflective Stories. In T. Bastiaens & M. Ebner (Eds.), Proc. of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2011 (pp. 2366-2374). Chesapeake, VA.

Breuer, H. (2009). Ubiquitous society: Cultural factors driving mobile innovations and adoption in Japan. In N. Aykin (Ed.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Vol. 5623. Internationalization, Design, and Global Development (pp. 328–336.). Berlin, Germany: Springer-Verlag.

Breuer, H., Kettner, M., Wagler, M., Preuschen, N., & Steinhoff, F. (2009). Love at first encounter: Start-up of new applications. In J. A. Jacko (Ed.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Human-Computer Interaction (Part III), 5612, pp. 585–594. Berlin, Germany: Springer-Verlag.

Breuer, H., Baloian, N., Matsumoto, M., & Sousa, C. (2007). Interaction design patterns for classroom environments. In Jacko, J. (Ed.): Human-Computer Interaction, Part IV, Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Vol: 4553. HCI International Conference in Beijing, China (pp. 163-172). New York: Springer.

Baloian, N., Breuer, H. & Luther, W. (2008). Concept keyboards in the animation of standard algorithms. Journal for Visual Languages and Computing, Vol. 19, Issue 6, pp. 652-674.

Breuer, H. (2002). Interfacegestaltung und Imagination: Kultivation von Unternehmensidentitäten in digitalen Medien (pp.1-182). [Interfacedesign and Imagination] Berlin: Waxmann.

Complete list of publications