Department of Psychology Teaching Staff

Prof. Dr. Gerald Richter

Professor Campus Frankfurt

B.A. Media and Business Psychology



Gerald Richter studied psychology in the late 90´s. During his time at university he focused on work and organizational psychology. Later, as a research assistant, he specialized on recruitment procedures like interviews and assessment center.

After obtaining his PhD, he began a career in the industry. As Human Resources Manager, he has been responsible for all areas of human resources management and has successfully managed and successfully implemented a wide variety of projects.

Now, after almost 15 years in industry, he has returned to research and teaching. Since winter 2016/17, he is working as a professor of psychology at the Media University (initially part-time, full-time since winter 2017/18).

A special concern in his lectures is to teach practice-relevant and scientifically sound knowledge and skills He hopes that his enthusiasm for psychology is transferred to the students.


Introduction Courses

  • Scientific Reasoning and Writing
  • Introduction to Psychology

Courses in Methods and Statistics

  • Research Methods in Psychology and Social Sciences
  • Statistics for Psychology - Basics
  • Statistics for Psychology - Advanced

Courses in Business Psychology

  • Work and Organizational Psychology
  • Psychology of Personality and Personnel Psychology
    (including Recruitment, Training & Development, Leadership)
  • Construction and implementation of assessment centers

Research and Consulting

  • Recruitment (Selection Interview, Assessment Center)
  • Training & Development (Training Evaluation, Coaching, Mentoring)
  • Talent Management & Organizational Development
  • Merger & Acquisitions
  • Performance Management

Curriculum Vitae

Work Experience

Since 2018


Head of Psychology Department, (Media University of Applied Sciences, Campus Frankfurt a. M.)

Since 2016

Professor for Psychology(Media University of Applied Sciences, Campus Frankfurt a. M.)


HR Generalist (GSK Vaccines, Marburg)


Head of Payroll(ad interim) (Novartis Vaccines, Marburg)


HR Business Partner (Novartis Vaccines, Marburg)


Head Talent Management & Organizational Development (Novartis Vaccines, Marburg)


Head of Training and Development (Chiron Vaccines, Marburg)

Academic Education



Research Associate in the DFG-Project „Managment Diagnostics“ (Philipps-Universität, Marburg, working group Prof. Dr. M. Kleinmann)



Dr. rer. nat (PhD) with the Thesis „What does the recruitment interview measure? Studies on the construct validity of the structured interview“ (Philipps-Universität, Marburg, Prof. Dr. M. Kleinmann)



Diplom (MSc Psychology). Thesis „Development and evaluation of a training to increase mental well-being“ (Philipps-Universität, Marburg, Prof. Dr. B. Röhrle)


Melchers, K. G., Klehe, U.-C., Richter, G. M., Kleinmann, M., König, C. J., & Lievens, F. (2009). “I know what you want to know”: The impact of interviewees’ ability to identify criteria on interview performance and construct-related validity. Human Performance, 22, 355-374.

Klehe, U.-C., König, C. J., Richter, G. M., Kleinmann, M., & Melchers, K. G. (2008). Transparency in structured interviews: Consequences for construct and criterion related validity. Human Performance, 21, 107-137.

König, C. J., Melchers, K. G., Kleinmann, M., Richter, G. M. & Klehe, U.-C. (2007). Candidates' ability to identify criteria in nontransparent selection procedures: Evidence from an assessment center and a structured interview. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 15, 283-292.

König, C. J., Melchers, K. G., Kleinmann, M.; Richter, G. M. & Klehe, U.-C. (2006). The relationship between the ability to identify evaluation criteria and integrity test scores. Psychology Science, 48, 369-377

Melchers, K. G., Kleinmann, M., Richter, G. M., König, C. J. & Klehe, U.-C. (2004). Messen Einstellungsinterviews das, was sie messen sollen? Zur Bedeutung der Bewerberkognitionen über bewertetes Verhalten. Zeitschrift für Personalpsychologie 3, 159-169.
[Do hiring interviews measure what they intend to measure? On the importance of the cognitions of the candidates on the assessed behavior]

Richter, G. M. (2003). Was misst das strukturierte Einstellungsinterview? - Studien zur Konstruktvalidität des Multimodalen Interviews. Dissertation. Marburg, Philipps-Universität, Fachbereich Psychologie.
[What does the recruitment interview measure? Studies on the construct validity of the structured interview]

Bungard, P. & Richter, G. M. (2000). Training zur Steigerung des Wohlbefindens. Diplomarbeit. Marburg, Philipps-Universität, Fachbereich Psychologie.
[Development and evaluation of a training to increase mental well-being]

Talks & Presentations (selection)

Richter, G., Kleinmann, M., Melchers, K. & König, C. (2004). Mehr als „soziale Erwünschtheit“: Einflussfaktoren auf das Antwortverhalten im Integritätstest. Paper presented at the 44. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Göttingen.
[More than "social desirability": Factors influencing the response in integrity tests]

Richter, G. & Kleinmann, M. (2002). Personenmerkmale und Konstruktvalidität im Multimodalen Interview. Paper presented at the 43. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Berlin.
[Personal characteristics and construct validity in a multimodal interview]