Student exchange with Indian partner university
Twenty students from Media University Cologne and their Professor Hektor Haarkötter are currently visiting our Indian partner institution, JAIN University, in Bangalore.
After twenty students from the Indian JAIN University spent four weeks at Media University Cologne summer school last year, Cologne students are currently returning the visit. JAIN University in Bangalore, India is offering a four-week program specifically designed for Media University’s B.A. students in Journalism and Corporate Communications and Event and Media Management. Besides journalism-focussed topics, such as mobile storytelling and research, lessons on marketing, corporate communications and public relations as well as media management and applied geography are being taught. Students are also enjoying a complimentary cultural and sporting program in addition to the university courses: Yoga sessions, visits to the theater and museums as well as to other cultural institutions are also part of the program. Prof. Dr. Hektor Haarkötter, Head of the Journalism and Communication Department at Media University Cologne, and Johanna Wergen, Research Associate, are joining the students during their visit in Bangalore.
Almost two weeks into their stay, Prof. Haarkötter is happy about the development and outcome of the exchange project: “We do not only profit from the intercultural exchange with regards to academic subjects, but also on a private level, considering the development of intercultural friendships among the students from India and Germany.”
For impressions of the student exchange, please have a look at our social media accounts, e. g. Instagram.