Welcoming new students at enrolment ceremonies in Berlin, Cologne and Frankfurt/Main
In a series of five enrolment ceremonies for the winter semester 2022/23, the university management welcomed the prospective new students at the Berlin, Cologne and Frankfurt/Main campuses and gave an outlook on the new semester.
After a short presentation of the university by Rector Prof. Dr. Klaus-Dieter Schulz and Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ronald Freytag, and of the teaching staff by the department heads, the students received their matriculation certificates. It was also very pleasing to see the awarding of the German scholarships to four particularly high-achieving Media University students – this year two Bachelor’s and two Master’s students. We warmly congratulate this year’s scholarship holders Chelsea Gröper (B.A. Game Design and Interactive Media), Max Beckmann (B.A. Journalism and Corporate Communications), Louisa Müller (M.A. Public Relations and Digital Marketing) and Sharmini Sivanathan (M.A. Digital Journalism).