What is the first thing that comes to your mind, when you think about Media University?
Homeschooling. As unfortunate as it is. Half of my degree program was spent at home due to the Corona pandemic. However, it must be said that I found the transformation to digital teaching very good. Everything worked right from the start and some lecturers really made an effort to still give us a great experience. For the future, I also see a great potential in the combination of online and on-campus classes. It's a pity that we were never able to get to know the new location of Media University Frankfurt properly.
You are studying Journalism and Corporate Communications. Why did you choose this study program and what made you choose Media University Frankfurt?
I discovered Media University a year before I graduated from high school. I was searching the Internet for media-related courses of study. Initially, I wanted to study media and event management.
But at an orientation event at Media University, I was so impressed by the contents of the Journalism and Corporate Communications program that I applied for it. In fact, I didn't apply to any other university or college. Media University convinced me right from the start.
You did your internship at the communications agency PSM&W Kommunikation and were even recently hired here as a working student. Please tell us more about your work!
Right from the first day of my internship, I was completely involved in the day-to-day work at the agency. The many different clients and industries that I work with are really exciting. No day is like any other. In the morning, you're in charge of T-Systems' YouTube channel, in the afternoon you're doing content creation for My Little Pony, and then you're sending out a press release for a car manufacturer. I enjoyed getting a taste of so many different areas. Of course, it was a great advantage that my colleagues confided in me right from the start and also gave me responsibility. It certainly boosted my motivation to work.
One project that I am very passionate about is the Freedom of Expression Week. This year, it was initiated for the first time by the Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels (German Publishers and Booksellers Association) together with the Frankfurt Agency Alliance. The Frankfurt Agency Alliance is an association of various agencies that was brought to life by PSM&W. It was a lot of fun to watch in real time how a national campaign develops - and with such an important topic! There I met a lot of great people from different agencies in Frankfurt. During the Freedom of Expression Week, I assisted with the social media postings and was otherwise responsible for all sorts of things, such as the evaluation afterwards (we reached 132 million contacts, by the way!). I'm already looking forward to being a part of this project again next year!